In my 2 weeks USA vacation I was able to go to Boston, Massachusetts. One of the best day from this trip, great city. - Patrick Kramer.
In my 2 weeks USA vacation I was able to go to Boston, Massachusetts. One of the best day from this trip, great city. - Patrick Kramer.
One day with Mark Wojda in Boston, MA. Filmed by Alex Hogan for Visaid. Get some Visaid goodies at Bigcartel.
Previously: Mark Wojda - Always Next Time (2020) by tallboyz.
Filmed by Hector Sanchez of DNKG Films, Ian Orbinson Hutchinson & Los. Editing by Young Jui$e & 1kEntertainment.
Los blading the streets of Boston, MA. Filmed & edited by Young Juice & 1k Entertainment.
Visit Okboston.blogspot.com | 1kentertainment.com.
Young Juice rollerblading in Boston, MA in the new K2 Unnatural Skates. Filmed by Big Terry, Los & Remo DiTullio. Edited by Young Juice & 1k Entertainment.