ViVA LA BiBA (imagine perfect life). Featuring life of Abibas CEO. Filmed 2018-2022. Thank you contributing cameras: Jeremy Raff, Mike Torres, Sean Kelso, Patrick Ridder.
Visit Abibasactivewear.com.
ViVA LA BiBA (imagine perfect life). Featuring life of Abibas CEO. Filmed 2018-2022. Thank you contributing cameras: Jeremy Raff, Mike Torres, Sean Kelso, Patrick Ridder.
Visit Abibasactivewear.com.
A slightly-unfinished edit from seven sessions of Chynna Weierstall skating the USD VII Abrate and Clan skates in 2018. - Al Dolega.
Hardware: Sony A7III, Rokinon 8mm f2.8, Minolta MD/MC lenses, Rode VideoMicro, Smallrig hardware. Music: Dontmi.bandcamp.com.
Delfon Dio, A film by Karsten Boysen & Benjamin Buttner.
“So, you take the dirt track, take a BMX dirt track, and then just dip it in concrete… Fondue, you know? And there it is: bee hive”. - David Sizemore.
For our three week trip to Greece, we didn’t plan many locations, but this was one was a must do! Featuring: Scott Quinn, Carson Starnes, Chris Farmer, Josh Glowicki, Joe Atkinson, David Sizemore, Dominik Wagner, Chris Smith & Richie Eisler.
Thank you to everyone who bought Delfon Dio so far! All the profits are being used to put right back into the next big Cayenne trip coming up very soon :) Go get the video at Thecayenneproject.com and help us fund the next one! Special thanks for letting us skate your paradise Nikos! If you wanna learn more about Andros Island, go to Bluenigma.com.
Delfon Dio, More Media - PLAY: Premiere Tour | Trailer | Teaser.
A video by Nicolas Pinto Borroye. “We say adios to Catherine Reyes, you will always be part of the family! Gracias por todo!” - The Iqon Team.
“Last street video using the AG10 skates. I’ve been skating since last year and I really enjoyed spending this time. Anyways, I choose to take a step out of this brand for personal reasons. Thank you all, again. I’m really glad Iqon & Montre Livingston chose to support me, and this team will always be my first big sponsor family”. - Catherine Reyes.
The whole promo was filmed in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, which is Eugen Enin’s home country. Eugen and Daniel decided to upload this archive of the filming process, not only to show the work behind the promo but also to raise awareness about the on going war in Ukraine. “It’s heartbreaking for us to see our family and friends suffer during these harsh times. Please help spreading awareness of what’s going on and support in any way or donate if you can”. Visit Helpukrainewin.org.
Previously: USD Shadow Eugen Enin Pro Skate - Promo Edit by Daniel Enin.
Photo: USD.
Every first sunday of the month we organize a huge skate session. This time i decided to bring out my brother Vinny Minton. Skating has been so fun lately it’s great to be back doing what i love. If you’re around California come skate with us. We will be taking this on the road so stay tuned for those tour dates! Enjoy. - Rachard Johnson.
Previously: Salomon Inline Skates Coming Back? Good or Bad? (May 2022).