Hyphy, first opus of the saga. Released in 2005. Produced by Ivan Narez and Vinny Minton. Skating by: Ivan Narez, Vinny Minton, Brian Aragon, JC Rowe, Iain Mcleod, Trevor Tylosky, Shain Lapointe, Jon Morciglio, Matt Moya, Keith Morris, Gonzo Jaquez, Will Gordon, Victor Arias, Hoang Phung, Arsenio Patterson, Chris Shaw, Mike Martinho, Brandon Smith, Colin Mcleod, Quinn Feldman, Danny Bovee, and Jeph Howard.
PLAY: Full Video (59min) |
Youtube Playlist.
Sections - PLAY:
Intro |
Brian Aragon & Gonzo Jaquez |
Montage |
Iain Mcleod & Will Gordon |
Montage 2 |
Mark Wojda, Eric Foust & Russell Day |
Montage 3 |
Arsenio Patterson, Jon Morciglio & Keith Morris |
Victor Arias |
Montage 4 |
Credits + Bonus:
Grinding Getdown 2004 Competition |
Barn Burner 2004 |
Victor Arias |
Montage 5 |
Montage 6 |
Glencoe Revival.
Flashback: Mark Wojda, Eric Foust & Russell Day - Hyphy 1, mixed section.
Music: “C’mon C’mon” by The Von Bondies.
Game Theory, the 2010 Razors Team Video directed by Helton ‘Brazilionaire’ Siqueira. Starring: Brian Aragon, Julian Bah, Dre Powell, Stefan Horngacher, Jeph Howard, Mathias Silhan, Roman Abrate, Max Jubin, Iain Mcleod, Edwin Wieringh and Eric Perkett.
Sections - PLAY:
Intro |
Julian Bah |
Max Jubin, Roman Abrate & Mathias Silhan |
Friends |
Jeph Howard |
Erik Perkett, Edwin Wieringh & Iain Mcleod |
Stefan Horngacher |
Dre Powell |
Brian Aragon |
Credits + Bonus:
Mathias Silhan |
Max Jubin |
Roman Abrate -
Trailer 1 |
Trailer 2 -
Playlist on Youtube
The legendary spots outside Montreal Olympic Stadium. Featuring rollerblading, skateboarding, parkour & BMX. Bladers: Ian Brown, Mathieu Ledoux, Austin Paz, Jon Julio, Ivan Narez, Franco Cammayo, Diego Guilloud, Victor Arias, Felix Guzman, Taylor Ritchie, Eric Perkett, Alex Broskow, Brandon Smith, Chris Haffey, Rob Thompson, Richie Eisler, Brian Shima, Selwin Briggs & Neou Men.
A compilation by Scoreback (Youtube Channel).
up: Monster Tricks! Felix Guzman, Brian Shima & Eric Perkett at the Imyta 6 (2002) - Montreal (Canada). Check this photo & video featuring this insane gap by Felix Guzman.
Join Chris Haffey, Erik Bailey, Jeff Stockwell, Victor Arias, and Brandon Smith as they shred though a two-week, 3,000-mile tour of skate parks in Northern California, Oregon and Idaho. Burning through 200 pairs of socks, they sleep in tent cities, always keeping a vigilant eye out for Big-foot. A Tour Film by Ivan Narez.
Full Video - PLAY:
Part I |
Part II |
Part III |
Part IV.
More Sections, Promos & Goodies on Vimeo.