Better than Never, featuring: Mark Wojda, Tadd Labozzetta, Rob Dargiewicz, Andrew Leverton, Julian Hinsch, and Homies.
Created and filmed by Andrew Leverton and Dave Gunn. Shot mostly in 2021 in CT, PA, UT, FL, NH. Visit Tallboyzbladeteam.com.
Better than Never, featuring: Mark Wojda, Tadd Labozzetta, Rob Dargiewicz, Andrew Leverton, Julian Hinsch, and Homies.
Created and filmed by Andrew Leverton and Dave Gunn. Shot mostly in 2021 in CT, PA, UT, FL, NH. Visit Tallboyzbladeteam.com.
Better than Never" dropping 4/2. Featuring: Mark Wojda, Tadd Labozzetta, Rob Dargiewicz, Andrew Leverton, Julian Hinsch, and Homies.
Created and filmed by Andrew Leverton and Dave Gunn. Shot mostly in 2021 in CT, PA, UT, FL, NH. Visit Tallboyzbladeteam.com.
The video should soon be up on this Youtube page: Link.
Previously: Tallboyz Team Video - Better Than Never (2022) - Teaser, with Mark Wojda, Tadd Labozzetta & Friends (Teaser 1).
Mark Wojda is known for riding for Create Originals, his profiles with One Magazine, Orange, Genre, and Denial. He’s been off the grid raising a family, but the tallboyz are glad he’s settled down and skating in CT.
Always Next time, a video by Andrew Leverton & Dave Gunn. Additional filming by Ian Hutchinson, Tadd Labozetta, Tyler Knight, Rob Dargiewicz, Colin Fox, Kiko Lo, & Matt Slicox.
Always Next Time (2020) - Full Video - PLAY: Intro | Rob Dargiewicz | Chicago | Matt Silcox & Steff Ledger | Philly Squad | Ian Hutchinson | Tadd Labozzetta & the Homies | Mark Wojda | Andrew Leverton | Dave Gunn | Outro - Full Film | Teaser.
tallboyz is proud to present our 3rd full length blading video, “Better than Never”. Featuring: Mark Wojda, Tadd Labozzetta, Rob Dargiewicz, Andrew Leverton, Julian Hinsch and Homies.
Premiering April 2, 2022.
Featuring Tim Shapiro, Andrew Leverton, Julian Hinsch, Dave Gunn III, Matt Ragone, Jeremy Raff, Ian Hutchinson, Keegan Smith, Juice, Ben Zerfoss, Dan Corbera, Eric Woods, John O’Donnell, Carlos Galvez, Alex Hogan, Matt Raz, Bryan Joel Pina, Ty Jones, Ryan Strout, Andy Leitermann.
Filmed a edited by Matt Ragone, additional filming by Andy Leitermann.
New England is a region comprising six states in the Northeastern United States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. It is bordered by the state of New York to the west and by the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick to the northeast and Quebec to the north (Wikipedia).
A skate parking weekend in Vermont aka New England Blade Camp. Thank you Myles Cotter-Sparrow and Jan Welch for the hospitality.
Featuring: Andrew Leverton, Julian Hinsch, Ian Hutchinson, Kiko Lo, Jody Shanabrook, Ben Zeno & Tony Heary.