The Skate Company, ripping a park. Visit Theskate.company.
Previously: The Skate Company - Lean on Me (2022).
The Skate Company, ripping a park. Visit Theskate.company.
Previously: The Skate Company - Lean on Me (2022).
Real friends, don’t let friends skate sad alone. Three sessions at an indoor park called Ty’s. Featuring maneuvers by Chad Anthony, Doug Williams, Brad Anthony, Jimbo Hawkins, Scott Hatton, & Steven Tat. With an appearance from Troy Cramer. S/O to THEMSKATES for making quality extreme skates.
Visit Theskate.company.
On December 5th, 2021, Chad and Katherine Anthony welcomed their beautiful & healthy baby Basil Katherine-Mae Anthony onto the Earth. We are heartbroken to say that Katherine passed away at the hospital due to complications.
This tragic event has effected the many communities that Katherine impacted. Turned Chads life upside down, who is now a widower and single father. Chad and Katherine Anthony are lights to all who know them. They were dedicated to healing others through conscious, simple living. Chad is now adjusting to many major life changes like managing multiple homes, raising a newborn as a single dad, and continuing his business without his business partner.
To support Chad and Basil through this difficult time, we are asking friends, family, and all who have been touched by Chad and Katherine to donate.
We are raising money and resources to help Chad with newborn baby costs and end of life costs for Katherine. Many unanticipated costs are arising, all while balancing the grief and recovery of losing his wife and best friend. […]
Great time full of friends, power tools, and rollerblades during fall 2021 at Schmidty’s Ramp and Camp! Thank you to everyone for coming out and skating and supporting Tim on this awesome place! and huge thank you to Tim and all the guys for putting in a week of nonstop work to get the new launch box completed! the send is about to get real! Featuring: Tanner Tyree, Dave G, Jimmy Hake, Dwight Harding, Kalei Dewitt-Oxford, Eric Micheal, Zack Savage, Punky, Layla Quinones, Aaron Schultz, Tyler Ellrich, Duranimal, Brad Anthony, Lauren English, Tim Schmidt & Friends.
Previously: Schmidty’s Ramp And Camp Fall 2021 - Raw Clips by Aaron Schultz.
The King Of Cleveland 2021 by Aaron Schultz. Featuring: Ryan Parker, Philip Moore, Luke Rappa, Tri Tri-Rudolf, Cody Reffner, Danail Gantchev, Luke Naylor, Adam Bazydlo, Brad Magnuson, Yandriel Silverio, Brian Bruno, Austin Loomis, Hayden Ball, Brad Anthony, Nick Doherty & more.
More Media: Edit by Hawke Trackler | Raw Clips by Aaron Schultz | Full Results - Visit Bladecle.org.
Ever wondered what goes on at SouthernScum.com? Spend a day, behind the scenes with the boys of the scum co.
Join in on a cruise around two local skate parks, and also witness a first hand experience of the do it yourself antics that have kept the brand growing since 2010.
Featuring skating by Steven Tat, Elliot Feltner, Tim Sloan, Dane Stivers, and the Anthony Brothers.