Tricks In An Alien Abduction Halloween Costume At Tustin Skatepark In California. Thanks to 5050 Frames, Nickel & Dime SkateShop & Death Blading Squad For The Support! - Becci Sotelo.
Previously: Becci Sotelo - How to Grind a Ramp on Rollerblades.
Tricks In An Alien Abduction Halloween Costume At Tustin Skatepark In California. Thanks to 5050 Frames, Nickel & Dime SkateShop & Death Blading Squad For The Support! - Becci Sotelo.
Previously: Becci Sotelo - How to Grind a Ramp on Rollerblades.
Over the past 6 weeks I’ve been Skating the New Fifty 50 Prime Frames, here’s a small review and some clips I’ve gotten in them. One thing I forgot to mention was how I’ve been keeping more speed just rolling around, this is from the responsiveness of the metal core. Also bare with me as I’ve been working out how to use my 360 one x2 :) - Becci Sotelo.
Bladies presents: Volume 1. A compilation video featuring Kim Respinto, Becci Sotelo, Amber Rivera, Aarin Gates, Megan Petersen, Martina Svobodova, Brandi Goulet, Shelly Burla, Danielle McCloskey, Pariah Hz, Mari Moura, Mery Munoz, Kamila Probierz, Javiera Garrido, Polly Morris, Mina Lee and Patrycja Najda.
Coordinated by Megan Petersen. Edited by Aarin Gates. Music by Andrea Tafelski. Bladies Volume 1 is focused on mostly street skating. Volume 2 coming soon: a compilation of park skating featuring more Bladies shredding! Huge thank you to everyone involved in Volume 1, to all the girls skating and very stoked to keep this going! Shout out to our friends and filmers too! Sincerely, Megan Petersen.
Suzuka Hyoyama from Kobe, Japan. Visit
Previously: Suzuka Hyoyama - Summer 2021 in Japan.
“Our second signature wheel release for Chynna Weierstall is 58mm and 88a. They feature a rounded bullet profile, perfect for any low ride frames antirocker or flat”. - Chroma Wheels. Filmed & edited by Al Dolega.
Orders start Saturday at 9am EST and start shipping next week. Visit