Just a couple clips Brian Weis got recently on the firecracker ledge at Detroit’s Bishop DIY Skatepark. - Al Dolega.
Just a couple clips Brian Weis got recently on the firecracker ledge at Detroit’s Bishop DIY Skatepark. - Al Dolega.
Koda Hult & Brian Weis skating Detroit’s Bishop DIY Skatepark. Filmed & edited by Al Dolega. Additional filming by Ryan Cza & Koda Hult.
Previously: Bl8 Nite @ Bishop (2021) by Al Dolega.
Another Blade Night at the Bishop DIY Skatepark, feeturing Maria Missaoui, Jeremy Troia, Danail Gantchev, Sean Kelso, Noah Zipser, and Brad Ozantoski.
Previously: Bishguys (2021) - Koda Hult & Brian Weis - skating at the Bishop DIY Skatepark, Edit by Al Dolega.
Chris Gerard dusting the rust off on the Aaarledge at Bishop DIY Skatepark. - PLAY
Previously: Bishguys (2021) - Koda Hult & Brian Weis - skating at the Bishop DIY Skatepark, Edit by Al Dolega.
Steve Moll, Cameron Simpson, Jeremy Troia, Koda Hult and Luke Naylor skating Detroit’s Bishop DIY skatepark. A video by Al Dolega.
Previously: Upstairs in the Basement (2021) by Tonee Hawke, with Stefan Brandow, Luke Naylor & Friends.
A slightly-unfinished edit from seven sessions of Chynna Weierstall skating the USD VII Abrate and Clan skates in 2018. - Al Dolega.
Hardware: Sony A7III, Rokinon 8mm f2.8, Minolta MD/MC lenses, Rode VideoMicro, Smallrig hardware. Music: Dontmi.bandcamp.com.