Bas Berghuis and Joery van De Pol skating at the Hengelo Skatepark in the Netherlands. A quick session with the old DSA Crew members, and the newly WLFG (Whale Lotta Fish Gang) where the guys spend happy time catching huge fish (and I mean HUGE, check those photos). #skatersgonefishing
"Bas Berghuis stopped by to pick up a new whip. Good reason to do a quick session. Half an hour struggling at skatepark Hengelo. DSA 2021 and WLFG 2021 still going strong!". - Joery van De Pol.
Official website of the park:, and the address if you need it: Industrieplein, 7551 CA Hengelo, The Netherlands.
Skate session between fishing spots with Joery van De Pol.
Last one that’s the name because it is one of my last edit that I bring out of myself. This was filmed in 3 years that long, I do not have the time to skate that much and I am a father now and i have my own company, so I work hard en no skating. Enjoy the last one.
Video on Youtube. Rider: Bas Berghuis. Shot by: Joery v/d Poll and Bert-Jan Ok Ma, Ivo Janssen, Ruben Smulders. Made by DSA Production.
Welcome to the second installment of Plastic Pushers. For this one, we got the best skaters living in the Netherlands (and a Frenchy) lined up for you.
Dominik Wagner [2:26],
Derk Alberts & Wiboud de Boorder [6:18],
Jeroen Wullems [9:58],
Davy Wouda & Sjoerd Peters [14:12],
Friends [19:20],
Roel Fritz & his vert buddies [22:16],
The Swizz connection [25:19],
Eric van Boven [30:41],
Freddy White [31:53],
Friends II [36:10],
Niels Groenendijk & Ralf van de Kerkhof [40:34],
Marnix Haak [43:41],
Davie Nijenbrink [47:44],
Sven Boekhorst [51:13],
Levi van Rijn [55:59].

We had the pleasure to work with these great musicians that gave us (or made specially for the movie) their songs:
Jimm Hall - hope is not lost,
Siriusmo - Ego,
Fay Ray - Heatwave,
912 - SCRD,
The Homesick - Male Bonding,
Slow worries - Slide,
Antillectual - If you are not outraged,
Sydney Valette - Safety net,
Wantigga -2 shaky feat PRVTE,
Love Supreme - Your mind is free,
Adriaan de rover - More opinions (and a rainbow),
El Fatso - Strikes and gutters,
DJ Hyperlink - Pushin (exclusive for PP2),
Nu Sensae - Spit gifting,
MECCA83 - Storm front (exclusive for PP2),
DJ Hyperlink - Flowers (exclusive for PP2),
Orville Peck - Buffalo run,
Toad Smoke - Heat lamp,
Bucket List - Darkest hour.
Thanks Ruud Scheerens for your dope intro font and Niels Groenendijk for animating them.
Note: Youtube took the original video down. Here is a re-upload of Plastic Pushers, Vol. 2. Quoting Cavin Brinkman: “We had to re-upload Plastic Pushers 2 due to some music rights and had to cut 1 part out (online on IGTV and Facebook). We would appreciate if you could give the movie a new watch and a like, since we lost all the views and likes. Don’t forget to subscribe, and thanks for ALL the support.”
Bonus: Plastic Pushers, Volume 1 (2020) - PLAY:
Full Movie |
Leftovers +
Randy Abels - Topsoul. Taken while filming for Plastic Pushers, by Alexander Linde. Larger picture on Flickr.
Via the Rollernews Flickr Photo Pool - You can also send us your photos by tagging @rollernewsgram on Instagram, contact us on Facebook or by mail.
Plastic Pushers (PLAY), a dutch inline skate movie filmed during the dutch (easy) lockdown. With full parts by: Pascal Tan, Wisse Ankersmit, Adam Szymanski, Giorgio Oehlers, Jeroen Wullems, Kenny Owens, Sebastiaan van Wijk, Vivien Butot & Robin Bosgra, Sem Croft, Randy Abels. Also featuring: Hans Hardonk, Bas Houweling, Bartozs Beller, Dick Heerkens, Marnix Haak, Chris Nomden, and more.
We were one of the first to check out the new Urban Sports Indoor park in Amsterdam! -