From June to August 2021, I filmed this edit together with my true homie Claus Nielsen. Claus filmed the entire edit, so firstly a big thank you goes to Claus for always being down for a session and filming my tricks. - Daniel Nielsen.
From June to August 2021, I filmed this edit together with my true homie Claus Nielsen. Claus filmed the entire edit, so firstly a big thank you goes to Claus for always being down for a session and filming my tricks. - Daniel Nielsen.
Daniel Nielsen has been stacking clips throughout sessions during autumn 2017 and has put them all together into this sweet edit.
Previously: Daniel Nielsen (Denmark) - Razors 2017 Street Edit.
Daniel Nielsen made another full length profile for us again! Check this technical wizard out. Daniel’s girlfriend Nadja helped him a lot with filming. While filming they found out that she was dealing with cancer. Luckily she is all good today, and therefore Daniel wants to dedicate this edit to her.
Welcome to one of our newest team riders Anders Hauerholt! Anders has supported us since way back then and now it’s time to make this relationship official. We’re happy to have you on board Anders! - Skatepro.
Filmed & edited by Daniel Nielsen.
Clips from this year’s Danish championship (Ram Jam) where Jacob Juul took first place. Congrats! Location: Urban Street Zone (Brande, Denmark).
Jacob Juul has been doing his skate school for a few years and anytime I’m in Denmark, he ask me to come help out and of course I say yes. So here is a quick edit of him I and the kids shredding it up at Hall 12 in Roskilde. Hope ya like it and thanks for watching. - Montre Livingston.