This photo of Cyril Daniel was featured on the cover of Sans Pretention, a Dvd by Adrien Anne, released in 2008. Featuring sections of Pierre Lelievre, Roman Abrate, Cyril Daniel, Adrien Anne, Julien Cudot and more.
This photo of Cyril Daniel was featured on the cover of Sans Pretention, a Dvd by Adrien Anne, released in 2008. Featuring sections of Pierre Lelievre, Roman Abrate, Cyril Daniel, Adrien Anne, Julien Cudot and more.
Flashback, featuring: Romain Tanlagneau, Victor Daum, Yann Agostini, Clement Othelet, Julien Joubert, Franck Liegey, Romain Algalarondo, Axel Seillier, Thibau sitruk, Cyril Daniel (2’34), Adrien Clairaz (2’20), Xavier raimbow, & Julien Cudot (2’07).
Music: Legend of the Liquid Sword - Stay in Line.
Flashback: Cyril Daniel of Deshi and The Conference does one of the best tricks in the history of rolling, 450 back royale on the big forum disaster ledge, Barcelona.
Previously: Iconic Skate Spot: Forum (Barcelona, Spain).
Flashback: Adrien Anne, 2016 Trigger Skates Edit. Filmed in Bordeaux , Brisbane, Paris, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Geelong and Sydney.
Jo Zenk - hardest slam at the Shred Da Ground 2021 edition (Bordeaux, France). Jo took first place at the contest (full results).
“This was my last trick at the Shred Da Ground Bordeaux which took place in july 2021. After playing safe all day, I got soaked into the french vibes a little… - Jo Zenk.
Flashback: Best of Mathieu Heinemann (France) - 2012 Edition.
Previously: Mathieu Heinemann - Minutes Cocktail Section (2016).