Flashback: this is the Deshi video section of the Life+ 5 video magazine.
Featuring Louis Zamora, Randy Spizer, Chris Farmer, and Iain Mcleod.

Previously: Mathieu Heinemann (France) - Life+ Issue 4.

Flashback: this is the Deshi video section of the Life+ 5 video magazine.
Featuring Louis Zamora, Randy Spizer, Chris Farmer, and Iain Mcleod.
Previously: Mathieu Heinemann (France) - Life+ Issue 4.
I got this DVD a long time ago when I bought a pair of deshi skates, just thought I’d upload it. - Dilaneesus.
Longer version of the video, including the interview of Iain Mcleod & Louis Zamora: PLAY.
Flashback (2012): “Living the California Dream” with Brian Aragon, Dre Powell, Julian Bah, Brent Hicks, Fabio Enes, Max Jubin & Iain McLeod.
Note: the video was muted by Youtube, if you want to experience the original video, just load Good Morning by Chamillionaire at 0.32. Thanks Max.
A Day with Brett & Jeph: Throwbaaaack - The Sweatpants Spectacular (Guest Starring Chris Farmer).
Since the deletion of my Vimeo Channel I am re-uploading some of the best skating pieces that were under my name.
This is the infamous Throwback edit in which Jeph Howard, Chris Farmer & myself travel with Blake Cohen behind the viewfinder to some of the most famous skate spots in Minnesota history to prove that time nor style of dress could rob us of our skillz.
The Vimeo version had a record number of views for my channel at nearly 30,000 thus proving that Nostalgia is a powerful thing! - Brett Dasovic.
Iconic Skate Spot: The legendary Hollywood High 16 Stair. Featuring Demetrious George, Mike Johnson, Josh Letona, Brian Hamm, Kevin Gillan, Lyle Shivak, Aaron Feinberg, Billy Prislin, Louis Zamora, Jeff Stockwell, Mike Radebough, Dominic Sagona, Brian Shima, Shayne Skower, Franky Morales, Rachard Johnson, Gonzo, Hoan Phong, Chris Haffey, Carlos Pianowski, Anthony Gallegos, Chris Farmer Jon Julio & more.
A compilation by Scoreback (Youtube Channel).