Harry Can visited us, so we decided to check out the new skatepark in Dinslaken and also skate the nearby Skatepark in Dülmen. - Eugen Enin.
Music: SÄÄFTIG - Dirndl W33d (PLAY) and Pharmasix - Ski Mask Murder. Visit Borklynzoo.de.
Harry Can visited us, so we decided to check out the new skatepark in Dinslaken and also skate the nearby Skatepark in Dülmen. - Eugen Enin.
Music: SÄÄFTIG - Dirndl W33d (PLAY) and Pharmasix - Ski Mask Murder. Visit Borklynzoo.de.
The last months have been packed with a lot of work for us… But we’ve been at the new Düsseldorf Skatepark “Eller” with Sven Ischen again, visited him in Witten and we had some behind the scenes fun for an imagefilm where Eugen Enin is involved in.
Our series “RUFF RYDERS” ended. Last week we filmed the final part for it! Everytime we’ve been at this rail, it was a hard fight for Eugen Enin and each time he came back home with bruises and other small injuries!
Music: DMX - Ruff Ryders’ Anthem. Video on Youtube.
It’s still hot in here! Riders: Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen, Benjamin Meier, Etienne Vogel, Philipp Arnold and Bastian Thüring.
The last weeks in Germany have been really hot! But thats no excuse for Eugen Enin and Sven Ischen to keep rolling!
Music by Motat (Soundcloud).
From Witten to Berlin to Eugen Enin’s Scooter Profile! We’ve been busy the last weeks, sorry for the lack of uploads lately! Riders: Sven Ischen, Ángel Meléndez, Eugen Enin and Jo Zenk.