Taylor Ritchie (IG) - Missy Cess. A photo by Danny Beer.
Taylor Ritchie (IG) - Missy Cess. A photo by Danny Beer.
Featuring Dustin Werbeski, Brandon Calleja, Leon Basin, Taylor Ritchie & Jimmy Key. Filmed by Brandon Calleja & Barbara Werbeski. Edited by Dustin Werbeski.
The video is out, you can get it on Sellfy ($6.34+).
“Felix Guzman doing the craziest roll to drop to ledge roll ever done. IMYTA Montreal Canada.” - Jan Eric Welch. You can check the trick in this edit (check the 1:00 mark). Thanks 045jp.
Sean Keane pops a clean stale grab in a snake run. Sean skates the new soul plates and cuff by Blank. Photo by Erick Garcia for Rollerblade.
Nicolas Mougin at the Cronenbourg skatepark (Strasbourg, France). Photo shared by Mathias Silhan.