I started skating again earlier this year after a 10 year hiatus. This is a bunch of stuff I filmed since coming back. - Chris Piascik.
Artwork by Chris Piascik: Chrispiascik.com.
I started skating again earlier this year after a 10 year hiatus. This is a bunch of stuff I filmed since coming back. - Chris Piascik.
Artwork by Chris Piascik: Chrispiascik.com.
Today we had the opportunity to check out the House of Urban Sports (IG)! A brand new skatepark in Amsterdam West which will be opened very soon to the public (if Covid restrictions allows it).
Crew: Ivo Vegter (This is Soul’s owner), Jaro Frijnn, Thijs Tel, Erik Droogh. Check out this video (PLAY) when Thisissoul came by when they where still building the park!
Scott Crawford breaking in his new Danny Beer THEM Skates. At 45 years old, Scott’s an inspiration for anyone trying to skate into their 40s and beyond.