John Bolino, summer 2020, edited by Casey Geraghty. Enjoy!
Music: “Staggered in Lies” by Sacri Monti.
John Bolino, summer 2020, edited by Casey Geraghty. Enjoy!
Music: “Staggered in Lies” by Sacri Monti.
Delfon Dio, A film by Karsten Boysen & Benjamin Buttner.
“So, you take the dirt track, take a BMX dirt track, and then just dip it in concrete… Fondue, you know? And there it is: bee hive”. - David Sizemore.
For our three week trip to Greece, we didn’t plan many locations, but this was one was a must do! Featuring: Scott Quinn, Carson Starnes, Chris Farmer, Josh Glowicki, Joe Atkinson, David Sizemore, Dominik Wagner, Chris Smith & Richie Eisler.
Thank you to everyone who bought Delfon Dio so far! All the profits are being used to put right back into the next big Cayenne trip coming up very soon :) Go get the video at Thecayenneproject.com and help us fund the next one! Special thanks for letting us skate your paradise Nikos! If you wanna learn more about Andros Island, go to Bluenigma.com.
Delfon Dio, More Media - PLAY: Premiere Tour | Trailer | Teaser.
Gav Drumm’s section from Vine St Chapter 2. The full video is still available on Sellfy ($10).
6 years on from Vine St Chapter 1, we are proud to present the second instalment: CHAPTER II.
Despite the crew now on their separate paths, the friendships formed under the roof of 58 Vine St still remain and Dom West’s drive to document the scene’s progression is stronger than ever.
Starring: CJ Wellsmore, Rian Arnold, Gav Drumm, Tien Nguyen, Robbie Pitts, Alan Dick, Matthias St. John, Josh Nielsen, Craig Brocklehurst & Cam Wesson. Running Time 50 mins. Directed, Filmed & Edited by Dom West. Visit Dom-west.com.
Highlight stunts of what I did on my skates during 2016-2017. 2018 Best-of will drop in a few months too! :). - Julien Cudot.
“10 tricks filmed in 2 days in a row in and around Paris after my 1 month break due of my ribs injurie during FISE World Montpellier”. - Julien Cudot.
Producted by: Katlas Production. Directed by: Clément Milot. Dop: Franck Trozzo Kazagui, Clément Milot. Executive Producer: Amandine Emilie. Photographer: Antoine Guilloteau (more shots on Instagram). Music: Collectif Quinzequinze / John pdf - Fa’ma.
Here is the Sequel of Sven Ischen’s Mission. Sven has a unique trick selection and is always searching for new Spots. Every Mission he accomplishes helps him to constantly progress and work on his Blading. He is always good for a surprise. Now sit back and enjoy Ischen Mission 2: Negative Protocol! Cam and Cut: Daniel Enin.