“We’re proud to welcome Leana Wirth to the Flow Team!”. Edit: Wolfgang Appelt & Leana Wirth.
Music: Gloria Lynne - Watermelon Man.
“We’re proud to welcome Leana Wirth to the Flow Team!”. Edit: Wolfgang Appelt & Leana Wirth.
Music: Gloria Lynne - Watermelon Man.
After a summer full of blading and filming here is the result. Riders: Leana Wirth and Till Zimmer.
Music: Fiber Optic - Echo Park. Thanks to Bean Dreadley and TNT-Clothing for their support.
Filmed & edited by Wolfgang Appelt.
Music: Rolling Stones - Rocks off.
Pro Results
Girls Winner: Leana Wirth (CH), Best Trick: Michael Muller (DE).
The ABS Crew from Stuttgart (Germany) invites you to the TNT Shred 2017 in Oberesslingen on July 8. Visit TNT-shred.de.
Promo edit featuring Maximilian Hide & Felix Geissler. Filmed by Wolfgang Appelt & Michael saile.
The Extreme Barcelona 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. Featuring: Melissa Brown, Rosie O’Donoghue, Eve Jovino, Javiera Guarrido, Kayla Carmichael, Mery Munoz, Tais Colares, Amandine Condroyer, Manon Derrien, Lisa-Mary Authie, Anaelle Nogueira, Lauren Christina and more!
Music: Nostalgia & Aami feat. Insomnia - “Bad Machine”.
Extreme Barcelona 2017, More Media:
Visit Unlabelled-girls.com.