From Witten to Berlin to Eugen Enin’s Scooter Profile! We’ve been busy the last weeks, sorry for the lack of uploads lately! Riders: Sven Ischen, Ángel Meléndez, Eugen Enin and Jo Zenk.
From Witten to Berlin to Eugen Enin’s Scooter Profile! We’ve been busy the last weeks, sorry for the lack of uploads lately! Riders: Sven Ischen, Ángel Meléndez, Eugen Enin and Jo Zenk.
“We didn’t believe that we were able to skate these 2 scheunen again this year! We had a lot of fun!” Riders: Sven Ischen, Rafael Kosiarski, Eugen Enin, Benjamin Meier, Sebastian Rier, Hendrik Segal and Tilo.
Note: “scheune” means “barn” in english, you guessed it!
Previously: Borklyn Zoo - Secret Scheune (2017) - Part I. Session in a pretty amazing Barn with Eugen Enin & Friends.
Somehow we found out about this barn from an old Rollerblader, but then we found the holy grail X-Games that is over 15 years old! Riders: Sven Ischen, Joao Goncalves, Eugen Enin, Benjamin Meier and Sebastian Rier.
Music: “Frozen Fantasy” - Treeferlove x Luxury, “Get Ready For This” - 2 Unlimited. Visit Borklynzoo.de.
We had great times at the Mulheim an der Ruhr skatepark! Riders: Philipp Czaika, Eugen Enin, Marc Lorra, Sven Ischen and Julien Lindel.
This video has graphic content that may be disturbing to some viewers. Riders: Eugen Enin, Joao Goncalves and Sven Ischen.
Up: dislocated finger, Eugen Enin is now fine, this was filmed 7 weeks ago, and the ligaments were fixed.
Visit Borklynzoo.de.