Rest in peace our Dani 24.03.1991 - 30.04.2018. - Nick Lomax.
Daniel Skerzn’s Family really needs our help by Ricardo Lino
Rest in Peace Daniel. I hope together we can make this possible for Daniels Family. Lots of love! - Ricardo Lino.
Daniel Skerzn in Lomax promodel boots , Barcelona rollerblading (Feb 2018)
In memory of Daniel Skerzn
Beloved son and friend Daniel Skerzn (Danil Sergeev) sadly passed away on Sunday 30 April 2018.
His mother needs your help to organize cremation in Barcelona, she does not have a visa and a foreign passport to leave the Russian Federation.
All the Russian friends help his family but we live in a very poor city and we can’t raise that much money.
British big wheeling unibody moves with a Catalan twist. Nick Lomax testing the new USD Aeon 80 Skates in Barcelona.
Nick Lomax slides through the rain in Burgos with his USD Pianowski Aeon skates.
I shot this section with Nick Lomax and Eugen Enin in Barcelona, we had less than 2 weeks to get it done. These dudes killed shit everyday I was there, s/o the homie Vincent Asobo for the angles. - Erick Rodriguez.
9TO5DigiMedia and FP Films is proud to present the 4th installment of the Future Of Rollerblading. We were able to film with some of the most legendary bladers in the game along with some of the new generation of shredders in NYC, California, Atlanta, North Carolina, Las Vegas, and Spain.
Mirror: PLAY (set to private at the time of this post).
F.O.R. 4 is out! you can support the project on Sellfy ($4).
FOR4 - Play: Franky Morales Section | Soichiro Kanashima - FOR4 Bonus Section | Victor Arias | F.O.R 4 Bonus Edit | Eugen Enin – F.O.R. 4 (Extras) | Damon Franklin (Lake Havasu) – FOR 4 Bonus | 181st (NYC) – FOR 4 Bonus (2017) with Billy O’neill, Boschi Pope, Victor Arias & Julian Bah.