Chapter ‘96 is coming to a close.
After a long and very strong run a difficult decision was made to finally close the doors at Aggressivemall Q1 2018.
Aggressivemall from circa 2005 - 2013 became an absolute powerhouse, being the world’s #1 Aggressive Skate shop, featuring an incredibly strong team, workforce, and brand. We worked with the best in an incredible scene and undoubtedly created products and collaborations that will be sought after long after Amall’s doors are closed. We changed the landscape of the skate shop world by offering service that was far and above, from policy to product photos, unmatched stock to skate customization. We created events and sessions for our local scene, and taught people around the world with our trick tips. We set the standards for all other shops to follow. On top of all that we contributed heavily to your many projects, videos and contests in hopes to make skating as a whole stronger and more professional.
Our decision to close was not an easy one to make, and many factors were at play, but we also had to be real about the situation and look at the numbers. It just didn’t make sense for this particular business model as we could no longer offer the service, support and options we built the brand upon.
While this chapter may be coming to a close, we are left with so much to be thankful for. Skating made us who we are today. It taught us many things, brought us many places and introduced us to lifelong friends throughout the years. From building relationships, our own products, and multiple brands. It should come as no surprise we ran a successful business. We were dedicated and passionate about the business aspect just as much we were to the skating. The two together forged us and taught us to be resourceful and creative - Know that we are not down and out. We are honored to have served the community, and we can’t thank you enough for your support for last two decades. Our torch has burned incredibly strong, but the time has come to put it down. We sincerely hope the next generation picks it up and runs stronger than ever.
Sincerely, Justin Hertel - President. Aggressivemall 1996 - 2018.