Elite Series No. 5 with Alex Burston drops 1/3/18.
Photo: Patric Stahl (Patricstahl.com).
The Elite Series continues this winter with Scott Quinn, Richie Eisler and Alex Burston. - Jonas Hansson.
Pennon Pictures - Elite Series. A Film by Jonas Hansson, Starring Richie Eisler. VOD Available on Sellfy ($6).
Richie Eisler is trickling out footage from his seemingly bottomless bank and like all good artists he is picking his moments carefully. Today sees the release of his Elite Series part in collaboration with Danish film making connoisseur Jonas Hansson. We caught up with Richie for some extra insight into one of the most exciting releases of the year… […]
Pennon Pictures - Elite Series. A Film by Jonas Hansson, starring Scott Quinn. VOD available on Sellfy.
Pennon Pictures - Elite Series. A Film by Jonas Hansson, starring Scott Quinn. VOD available on sellfy next friday 17/11/11.