Dano Gorman, clips at the British Inline Championships 2018. Visit Britishinlinechampionships.com.
Raw clips from Wreckless skatepark in Gorey, Wexford. Dano Gorman and Albert Hooi for USD Skates & BHC Wheels.
Raw clips of Albert Hooi, Dano Gorman, Zima Balazs, Donal Glackin And Eoin Prendergast in Raw Cycles indoor skatepark in Limerick, Ireland.
Following the Dano Gorman - BHC Pro 2017 Edit, here is a street edit of Dano, filmed 7 years ago. Enjoy!
Music: “Lights Out” by Santigold.
We are very proud to welcome Dano Gorman to the BHC pro team. Dano has been part of our family for longer than I can remember so this is a very special moment for everyone here at BHC. Filmed and Edited by Albert Hooi.
Previously: The Boys & Rick Murphy (2017) with Albert Hooi, Dano Gorman & Friends.
Skating adventures from the past 3 years of myself and some friends. Edited by me. Shot by myself, Albert Hooi & Dano Gorman. - Rick Murphy.