Ulm City Blade Jam 2018, edit by Wolfgang Appelt.
Music: Raekwon - Wu-Gambinos.
- Alex Burston
- Gino Dangers
- Adrian Deck
- Stephan Mohr
- Dario Tassone
- Maximilian Hide
Ulm City Blade Jam 2018, edit by Wolfgang Appelt.
Music: Raekwon - Wu-Gambinos.
Filmed & edited by Wolfgang Appelt.
Music: Rolling Stones - Rocks off.
Pro Results
Girls Winner: Leana Wirth (CH), Best Trick: Michael Muller (DE).
Michael Muller seems to destroy every comp he attends to. Luckily for us, Francesco from Munich and Rieky Gibson captured some of those moments ; here is a recap for the pleasure of your eyes.
Previously: Michael Muller (Germany) - 2017 Street Edit.
Official edit of the Real Street Stuttgart 2017. Organized by TNT Clothing & Skatesolution.
Music : Fleetwood Mac - The Chain.
Pro Results
Best Trick: Beat Schillmeier (Truespin Topacid at the Killeskink Rail).
Reithalle Ulm, Cash for Trick 2017. Sponsored by Skatesolution. Video presented by TNT Clothing. Filmed & edited by Wolfgang Appelt. Photography: Michael Saile.
Music: Flume - Smoke & Retribution (feat. Vince Staples, Kucka).
The ABS Crew from Stuttgart (Germany) invites you to the TNT Shred 2017 in Oberesslingen on July 8. Visit TNT-shred.de.
Promo edit featuring Maximilian Hide & Felix Geissler. Filmed by Wolfgang Appelt & Michael saile.