Blade flick from Cracov, Poland. Filmed by Mateusz Kowalski & Mateusz Nocun, Edited by Mateusz Kowalski.
Starring Łukasz Mazur, Mateusz Nocuń, Radek Kojtych, Mateusz Kowalski, Kamil Nowaczek, Paweł Fijał & Leszek Leżak. 1st December 2017.
Blade flick from Cracov, Poland. Filmed by Mateusz Kowalski & Mateusz Nocun, Edited by Mateusz Kowalski.
Starring Łukasz Mazur, Mateusz Nocuń, Radek Kojtych, Mateusz Kowalski, Kamil Nowaczek, Paweł Fijał & Leszek Leżak. 1st December 2017.
2017 season part of Tomek Przybylik captured by Miazga Studio. Tomek is using USD AEON skates, both 72mm and 60mm models.
Music: “Opposable Thumbs (MPC2500 Live Performance)” by Matt Currie.
Little video I made showcasing my camera & rollerblading skills. - Maciej Tomków.
Before Maciej started his adventure with filmmaking, he trained in acrobatics for 10 years and has been rollerblading since he was 10. Sports play a big role in his life. He has been a freelance cinematographer since 2010 and loves shooting action sports and lifestyle.
In his career, Maciej managed to connect rollerblading with professional steadicam work and he is one of the few people in the world who makes steadicam shots on rollerblades. He has also focused on timelapse cinematography. […]
Visit Maciejtomkow.com.
Lukasz Malewski (Bidet) is back in the streets of Poland!
Interview by Sebastian Gruba (polish language | Google Translation).