Leftovers con Coop. Stay Cheezy Mates!
Leftovers con Coop. Stay Cheezy Mates!
Austin Cooper started skating with us this spring, and shit was he hungry. The kids got some pretty smoove mooves, and truly gives zero fucks if you got a DAB or two for him.
This part really came together and im sure it will be the first of many from the DOOD. Visit
The finals from this year’s 4th annual DCDC in Albuquerque, New Mexico (may 20, 2017). Great turnout, Cheezy time! Thanks to all the sponsors, bladers, and Jeremy Morgan for holding such a unique and awesome competition! Until 2018!
Best trick: Jarrod Mcbay & Chris Burns.
Here it is. 2 years worth of work. COOP is a hard working man and has just about every trick you wished you had. He is young and hungry, he has already put out multiple sections aside from this one. Coop blessed the TRILL team with a full part for this vid. I hope you all enjoy! - Dan Armbruster.
2tRILL, a 2017 Rollerblade documentary by Dan Armbruster. Featuring Ian Walker, Austin Cooper, Dan Armbruster, Tom Leong, Ian Forgette & Howie Bennett & many more. Filmed between January 2015 and November 2016. 2tRILL documents the less seen side of modern rollerblading, short grindz, good times & friendship.
Chris Burns is the man! And he will throw himself at just about any obstacle, usually leaving with a nice piece. It’s really a treat to watch the dude blade. Here’s a few clips of Chris from the past few months!
Stay Cheezy. Filmed in Colorado.