Onda Summer Contest 2017. Onda, Spain.
Music: Kid Cudi - Just What I Am ft. King Chip.
Filmed & edited by Wolfgang Appelt.
Music: Rolling Stones - Rocks off.
Pro Results
Girls Winner: Leana Wirth (CH), Best Trick: Michael Muller (DE).
The ABS Crew from Stuttgart (Germany) invites you to the TNT Shred 2017 in Oberesslingen on July 8. Visit TNT-shred.de.
Promo edit featuring Maximilian Hide & Felix Geissler. Filmed by Wolfgang Appelt & Michael saile.
Palpunte 2017: Park Contest in Okaya, Japan. Soichiro Kanashima on the MIC, young rippers on the park.
Beginner Class Results
Open class
Reithalle Ulm, Cash for Trick 2017. Sponsored by Skatesolution. Video presented by TNT Clothing. Filmed & edited by Wolfgang Appelt. Photography: Michael Saile.
Music: Flume - Smoke & Retribution (feat. Vince Staples, Kucka).