Featuring Edwin Wieringh (1983-2015), Pascal Tan, Randy Abels, Tyron Ballantine & Remy Schmidt.
Music by Shroom. Music mix by DJ P-Trickz (Bandcamp). Dedicated to Edwin Wieringh (1983-2015). Visit Nuffsaidamsterdam.com.
Featuring Edwin Wieringh (1983-2015), Pascal Tan, Randy Abels, Tyron Ballantine & Remy Schmidt.
Music by Shroom. Music mix by DJ P-Trickz (Bandcamp). Dedicated to Edwin Wieringh (1983-2015). Visit Nuffsaidamsterdam.com.
Larger Picture on Flickr. Via the RN Flickr Photo Pool.
Featuring Alexander Linde, Dick Heerkens, Randy Abels, Deveril Abels, Remco van de Pol, Sven Boekhorst, Remy Cadier, Donny Straube, Roel Verhoeven.
Music: James Brown - “Try Me”, Night Beats - “Hex”, Bones - “Protein”.
Delfon Dio, A film by Karsten Boysen & Benjamin Buttner.
“So, you take the dirt track, take a BMX dirt track, and then just dip it in concrete… Fondue, you know? And there it is: bee hive”. - David Sizemore.
For our three week trip to Greece, we didn’t plan many locations, but this was one was a must do! Featuring: Scott Quinn, Carson Starnes, Chris Farmer, Josh Glowicki, Joe Atkinson, David Sizemore, Dominik Wagner, Chris Smith & Richie Eisler.
Thank you to everyone who bought Delfon Dio so far! All the profits are being used to put right back into the next big Cayenne trip coming up very soon :) Go get the video at Thecayenneproject.com and help us fund the next one! Special thanks for letting us skate your paradise Nikos! If you wanna learn more about Andros Island, go to Bluenigma.com.
Delfon Dio, More Media - PLAY: Premiere Tour | Trailer | Teaser.
This is a documentary about Edwin Wieringh, a very talented professional Rollerblader who died too soon.
Edwin died after falling from his balcony on the 5th floor, on his birthday. At the time he was collecting clips of his skating in order to create a Profile.
He was also featuring in the Dutch TV show The Freestyle Games, who were kind enough to provide footage of him skating and most importantly of the interview that is the backbone of this documentary.
Edwin died on his 32nd birthday, leaving behind his family and friends. Rest in peace good buddy, you will be sorely missed. - Remy Cadier.
Philip Moore came to Amsterdam hungry, not just for cheese pizza but for clips. And lots of them. Phil and Cavin Brinkman put in serious work and came out with this gem of a promo for Philip’s newest pro wheel. Phil as always comes through with the mind boggling tricks and his dirty south style.
Visit Sicurethane.com.