Featuring Alexander Linde, Dick Heerkens, Randy Abels, Deveril Abels, Remco van de Pol, Sven Boekhorst, Remy Cadier, Donny Straube, Roel Verhoeven.
Music: James Brown - “Try Me”, Night Beats - “Hex”, Bones - “Protein”.
Featuring Alexander Linde, Dick Heerkens, Randy Abels, Deveril Abels, Remco van de Pol, Sven Boekhorst, Remy Cadier, Donny Straube, Roel Verhoeven.
Music: James Brown - “Try Me”, Night Beats - “Hex”, Bones - “Protein”.
Although climate change hits all of us, we are still forced to skate indoors during wintertime over here in the Netherlands. Normally we would hit the skateparks like we did years in a row. Last winter we decided to hit a parking garage like back in the day.
After getting kicked out at the first parking garage we wanted to skate, we skated about 20 spots with our buddies. Getting kicked out from a garage didn’t happen that often, maybe 3 or 4 times in total. We mostly skated after 8 pm till midnight, after a nice day of work and a quick bite to eat off we went. Randomly visit parking garages in cities like: Amsterdam, Den Haag, Leiden, Amersfoort, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Utrecht and our favourite P-city Haarlem. In total we’ve spend € 81,60 ($88) on parking tickets, to get about 14 minutes of footage.
Bladers: Randy Abels, Remco van der Pol, Dick Heerkens, Alexander Linde, Remy Cadier, Deveril Abels, Sven Boekhorst, Levi van Rijn, Davy Wouda, Sjoerd Peters, Wisse Ankersmit, Vivien Butot, Sem Croft, Cavin Brinkman, Robin Bosgra, Wouter Schokking & Eric van Boven.
The patspang posse hooked up with their friends. In order of appearance: Kenny Owens, Randy Abels, Davy Wouda, Remco van der Pol, Dick Heerkens, Remy Cadier, Sven Boekhorst, Eric van Boven, Sjoerd Peters, Vivien Butot & Deveril Abels.
This is a documentary about Edwin Wieringh, a very talented professional Rollerblader who died too soon.
Edwin died after falling from his balcony on the 5th floor, on his birthday. At the time he was collecting clips of his skating in order to create a Profile.
He was also featuring in the Dutch TV show The Freestyle Games, who were kind enough to provide footage of him skating and most importantly of the interview that is the backbone of this documentary.
Edwin died on his 32nd birthday, leaving behind his family and friends. Rest in peace good buddy, you will be sorely missed. - Remy Cadier.
“Second trick of the first Cityhopper tour back in 2011. This one was shot in my hometown at the St. Jans Cathedral.” - Sven Boekhorst. Photo by Niels Groenendijk (Nielsgroenendijk.com). Larger Picture on Imgur (via).
Bonus: CityHopper Retrospective (click to PLAY)
CityHopper Retrospective (click to PLAY)