30 clips and 30 years of age. Playing around on the slider bar. - Troy Maimone.
Showcasing only a portion of the Dallas rollerblading scene. Additional filming by Jason Reyna and John Sullivan. More to come soon. Keep it Rolling!
Song: Mystic Braves - Hanging Round.
Sometimes you get to sit down with a blade legend. Not too many people can claim a trick as theirs but I believe he can almost do that. Eric Schrijn is an OG AF. From being on the first Senate Kill Team to having his first Bro-model skate from K2, we talk about it all.
Truspin Podcast by Steve Johns: A deep dive into the lives and careers of past and future Bladers. Check the podcast on your favourite platform: Soundcloud, Stitcher, Libsyn, Itunes.
Brady Creek Johnston with some clips from a few sessions. He is my favorite person to blade with and you can see why in his blading. - Troy Maimone.
Filming: Troy Maimone, John Sullivan & Jason Reyna. Edit by: Troy Maimone. Song: Useless Eaters - Addicted to the blade. Photo
The 19th annual Colorado Road Trip (2017).
More #CORT19 Media, PLAY: Edit by Adam Bazydlo | Full Coverage by Anthony Medina.
“Perspectives” Aims to shed light on rollerblading’s rich history, following influential figures past and present, in an attempt to document our story.
Scott Crawford is one of a handful of skaters who never quite fit the mould of being a street or vert skater, with equal ability in each discipline. Scott talks about his early days and where skating fits into his life today. - Dom West.
Shot on RED Dragon / Epic-W. Visit Dom-west.com.