Episode 2

Episode 3

Check episode 1 in Ivry sur Seine featuring the famous waves.
“We out here in Paris with the whole team filming for the Adapt movie”. Featuring the famous waves of Ivry sur Seine.
Julian Bah on the Adapt Hyperskates. Edit made by Richard Williams (stupidDOPE.com).
Take a look at Adapt Team Rider Julian Bah, as he cruises around town in his custom GTO Hyperskates before literally stumbling upon a cute “bladie” who shares his love of skating.
Beat by Subtle T (Soundcloud).
Top soul with my shadow a few years ago. Quai de la gare, Paris (France). Photo by Antoine Dujoncquoy. - Julien Cudot.
“Dropping acid for a bag of sand in Paris last month. Cheers for the flight USD!” - Sam Crofts.
Photo by Robin Le Godec. Larger Picture on Imgur (via). Nick Lomax & Sam Crofts released their VOD Broke, support them on Sellfy.
Photo: Alex Burston. Larger Picture on Imgur (via).