Mr Romeo Stocchi on holidays in southern France. TARYF weekend with the skaters from Pau & Bordeaux. Camera: Lowik Vergez, Alan Prod’homme. Editing: Jim Torre.
Mr Romeo Stocchi on holidays in southern France. TARYF weekend with the skaters from Pau & Bordeaux. Camera: Lowik Vergez, Alan Prod’homme. Editing: Jim Torre.
Taryf 7 (France), directed by Jim Torre. Filmed in Europe. Skaters: the Taryf crew and friends. Out December 2017.
The Grind Co. - 1 week of skating in Bordeaux, France with “La Fine Equipe” and “Les Ratz”.
Starring: Robin Le Godec, Maceo Muller, Pierre Saporta, Richard Gere, Damien Golden Gerard, Alicia Keys, Victor Legrand, Yoro Sidibe, Alkpote & Umberto Tosseli.
Follow the pyramides. Music: Pyramide - Alkpote.
“We out here in Paris with the whole team filming for the Adapt movie”. Featuring the famous waves of Ivry sur Seine.
“Surfinnnn’ in Perpignan. It’s all about having a session with friends and new friends”. - Manon Derrien.
Photo: Alan Prod’homme | Larger Picture on Imgur (via).