17 years ago rollerblading walked into my life. Thanks to this sport I’ve learnt to know myself and to fight my fear. Especially it gave me the opportunity to meet a lot of people and to find my closest friendships. Different backgrounds kept together by the same passion.
Bachelor party is a ceremony, the symbol of a key moment which I could only celebrate with the people I’ve know forever. And to make it properly, which city if not Barcelona, the one we seek as bladers and that already gave as the best memories?
4 days, 22 italian bladers. Thank you Barcelona, this is for you. Don’t be scared. - Json Adriani.
More Media of the Event
- BombersInBarcelona - Json Adriani’s Bachelor Party - 3 days of skating in Barcelona (2017) by Alex G. Iosub.
- Flabby Muscles - Barsa. 4 days in Barcelona for Json Adriani’s Bachelor Party (2017).