Classic: Billy O’Neill, Ego Section by Adam Johnson(/tags/adam-johnson).
Chris Farmer just posted his section from On Top (2008): “Vibralux On Top, rough cut, circa 2008. Filmed and edited by Adam Johnson. Apologies for the poor quality”.
Note: you can watch the regular section on Youtube: PLAY (better quality, but audio muted due to a claim by a copyright holder).
Vibralux “On Top” - Rough Cut, Full Video: PLAY
“Forgot i still had this… Here’s a rough cut of “On Top” that AJ sent us so we could see the progress of the video. Different songs/ tricks/ arrangement, so i thought I might as well share. Enjoy…” - Chris Farmer.
Accidental Machines was Mindgame’s farewell gift to the rollerblading industry. The 56 min. video dealt with themes ranging from the state of the industry, to the dual lives of pro-skaters, to the absurdity of popular trends. Written and Directed by Shane Coburn. Produced by Trendkiller, Inc. Starring: Chris Farmer, Brian Aragon, Billy O’Neill, Don Bambrick, Dustin Latimer, Aaron Feinberg & Ben Schwab.
Video Mirror: l7EsQ_1wcU8.
Dre Powell - Icons Section - Razors Team Video by Adam Johnson - “My favorite Dre Powell and a criminally underrated section at that”. - Brett Dasovic.
Dre Powell - Icons Section: PLAY