Filmed by Hector Sanchez of DNKG Films, Ian Orbinson Hutchinson & Los. Editing by Young Jui$e & 1kEntertainment.
Filmed by Hector Sanchez of DNKG Films, Ian Orbinson Hutchinson & Los. Editing by Young Jui$e & 1kEntertainment.
Young Juice rollerblading in Boston, MA in the new K2 Unnatural Skates. Filmed by Big Terry, Los & Remo DiTullio. Edited by Young Juice & 1k Entertainment.
Los blading the streets of Boston, MA. Filmed & edited by Young Juice & 1k Entertainment.
Visit Okboston.blogspot.com | 1kentertainment.com.
Young Juice rollerblading at Lynch Family Skatepark, Boston, MA in the new K2 Unnatural Skates. Filmed by Craig Carbonneau, edited by Young Juice.
Produced by John Greene, Beast Coast includes skaters from Rhode Island, New York, Massaschusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina and more! Released December 2011.
Music: Flux Pavilon – Cracks.
Eugen Enin wanted to use the Kizer Trimax frames the right way and we searched for some interesting spots. Looks like it worked out pretty well and he couldn’t ask for a better setup to discover these spots. - Daniel Enin.