Play: Part 01 | Part 02. Equipment used: Seba Wizard boot with intuition liners, Oysi Frames, 66.5mm Kryptonics wheels, 57mm Face wheels, Canon C100. Visit Mushroomblading.com.
Play: Part 01 | Part 02. Equipment used: Seba Wizard boot with intuition liners, Oysi Frames, 66.5mm Kryptonics wheels, 57mm Face wheels, Canon C100. Visit Mushroomblading.com.
Equipment used: Seba Wizard boot with intuition liners, Oysi Frames, 66.5mm Kryptonics wheels, 57mm Face wheels, Canon C100.
Visit Mushroomblading.com.
Five local Canadian rollerbladers travel through the Interior and Okanagan of British Columbia to discover primitive inline movements. Featuring: Todd McInerney, Colin Brattey, Stuart Brattey, Joey McGarry & Leon Basin.
Todd McInerney and Joey Mcgarry, 2 hours of inline skating at Kamloops Senior Secondary (Canada).
Visit Mushroomblading.com (Youtube mirror).