James Schoenk. Adventurer, Rollerblader, Instagram Model. The future of rollerblading starts with a man approaching his mid 30s. Mr Schoenk pushes the envelope in this highly anticipated new release.
Filmed by Ryan Timms, edited by Michael Briggs.
James Schoenk. Adventurer, Rollerblader, Instagram Model. The future of rollerblading starts with a man approaching his mid 30s. Mr Schoenk pushes the envelope in this highly anticipated new release.
Filmed by Ryan Timms, edited by Michael Briggs.
My friend Christine Jun came out to a #SundayRituals and captured some good fun. Thanks for putting this together! - Franco Cammayo.
Shot on location at Hickam Air Force Base Skate Park, Oahu, HI. Music: Through the Fire by Scott & Brendo. Shot on a Canon 1DX Mark II with a Samyang 14mm f/2.8, Canon 24-105mm f/4, and Canon 50mm f/1.8.
Gil Silva Cunha skating at the Peitruss skatepark in Luxembourg City (april 2017). Filmed & edited by Jim Lorang. Music: Monophonics - Bang bang.