Fisheye filmed rollerblading at some parks in KCMO.
Fishguys3 (trapped underwater) filmed by the Kelso bros. Edited by Sean Kelso. Featuring: Alex Broskow, Anthony Marchione, Matt Capacette, Steve Iacono, Nick Danchuk, Sean Kelso & Colin Kelso.
Full Video on Youtube: PLAY.
Previously: Alex Broskow – Fishguys3, Behing the scenes (2017).
Fishguys by Sean Kelso, More Episodes:
Fishguys (2012) - fishguysII (2013).
It was roughly five years ago when Sean Kelso adapted a Century fish-eye lens to a Panasonic HVX camcorder and took it for a test at Downtown Park in KCMO with Alex Broskow.
After leaving the park that day with a decent amount of footage, they decided it would be fun to keep going and collecting more fish-eye filmed park clips, hence the title of the project ‘fishguys’.
Since that day ‘fishguys’ has evolved into an on-going series and it comes with great pride that bacemint can officially announce we had the opportunity to fly our good friend AB out to Philadelphia. […] Photos & article on
Check the video here.
Starring Chris Farmer, Patrick Doherty, KC Roche, Colin Kelso, Chris Cheshire, Sean Kelso, Nick LaBarre & Alex Broskow.
Featuring Andrew Nemiroski, David Sizemore, Matt Ladewski, Mike Lilly, Sean Santamaria, Michael Collins, Thinh Le, Mason Stickler, Chris Candia, John Bolino, Dean Coward, Michael Garlinghouse & Adam Exline.
Youtube has been in desperate need of a higher quality version of this (360p). Sean Kelso is one of my all time favorite skaters and this is in my top 5 all time favorite sections. – Brett Dasovic.
KCMO, A rollerblade film by Sean Kelso starring Alex Broskow, Chris Farmer, Kc Roche, Pat Doherty & Sean Kelso. Featuring Adam Exline, Matt Ladewski & Michael Collins.
KCMO: B-Roll and Extras
Promo Video: Ali Tribute Warm-Up
Philly skate video tribute to Muhammad Ali. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Video on Vimeo
KCMO: Trailer
Presenting the official trailer for the rollerblading video KCMO. Available for purchase through Vimeo On Demand 1.1.14. Trailer on Vimeo