This is a section my brother Tom Sharman cut for me in our London Biopic flick Many Revolutions. Hope you enjoy. – Leon Humphries.
This is a section my brother Tom Sharman cut for me in our London Biopic flick Many Revolutions. Hope you enjoy. – Leon Humphries.
UK’s powerhouse Sam Crofts took his new USD Aeon 60 charcoal black skates around the London street spots. Tom Sharman was with him, capturing Sam’s maneuvers for posterity.
Kaltik introduced many new members to the team both Pro and Amateur also including the Vandal Team with the 3 new model Freestyle Frames. Unfortunately Stephen Swain, Roman Abrate and Joey Egan were injured towards the end of the year so they don’t have clips in the edit. - Kaltik.
Video on Youtube: PLAY. Music by Future Las.
Check this topic (link down).