Can you reveal to us, who is the originator of the Warlock skate?
I had the basic idea for this skate. My good friend, Kyle Sola, is a very talented 3D designer and skater. He and I have always talked about crazy skate design ideas. As of last year, Kyle is part of the innovation team at Rollerblade. He also works in the design world for a few different brands that have nothing to do with skating.
This work experience gives him access to the new wave of design processes. We got to talking about a concept skate that I’ve had in my mind for a long time. I skated Xsjado skates for about 3 years prior to my employment with Rollerblade. I really liked the skate, but always felt it was too wide, unsupportive, and aesthetically unappealing.
Kyle and I both like to speed skate and skate marathons, so we’ve spent time in high end race skates. Once you skate a heat moldable race skate, you realize how a skate should fit and react. I test all of the skates Rollerblade makes. I am also lucky to be able to purchase just about every skate that every other brand makes to test as well.
I have all these skates in my head, and this influences what I want out of a great skate product. Kyle also tests a lot of different skates and ideas. Together we are making some magic with our skate designs and innovations. I’m blessed to have the opportunity to work with Kyle. Our collaborative ideas are always progressing. […]
Tom Hyser – Full Interview on Fsknews.pl.
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