Antony Pottier - Wizard Frames Edit (2017).
Strasbourg (France). May 20-22, 2016.
Arrows edit by Pascal Morasse-Raymond. Extra footage by Anthony Finocchiaro.
Featuring CJ Wellsmore, Antony Pottier, Pierre Lelievre, Manon Derrien, Anthony Finocchiaro & Pascal Morasse-Raymond.
ESA 2014 (Montpellier, France) - Arcena Edit. Video on Vimeo: PLAY.
Special jury award: Dimitri Tikhonkikh.
Street Pro
Street AM
10th edition of the ESA Montpellier. Photos + Report of the event on Rollerenligne (archive, french language).
Featuring Guillaume Legentil, Nicolas Auroux, Victor Legrand, Antony Pottier, Hugo Ruckly, Sebastien Brilleu, Richie Eisler, Romain Godenaire, Tim Marsh, Adrien Bastouille, Gaston Iscariote, Sylvain Tigaud, Anthony Finocchiaro, Greg Breger, Arsene Jurman, Jeremy Kessler, Dominik Wagner, Roman Abrate, Adrien Clairaz, Blake Bird, Salim Sikha, Louis Vilar, Allan Beaulieu, Charly Ruckly & Louis Lutz. Video on Vimeo: PLAY.