18th edition of the urban festival Dudelange On Wheels (D.O.W) featuring: Anthony Pottier, Remy Meister, Adrien Anne, Jelle Briggeman, Sem Croft, Rik Huik, Levi Van Rijn, Alexandre Serra, Neveu Cyril, Michael Custin, Harley Miguel, Sampio Alexandre, Martins Jimmy, Franz Lauer, Cuttitta Julien alias Tchit, Damien Gerard, Barbelin Florian & Jon Matter.
Best Trick: Wesley Nigel Haan – double frontflip 180.
- CJ Wellsmore (Australia)
- Anthony Pottier (Belgium)
- Jelle Briggeman (Netherlands)
- Jack Swindels (Uk)
- Fedor Simonov (Germany)
- Rik van Huik (Netherlands)
- Grazyna Wratny (Poland)
- Mery Munoz (Spain)
- Stephanie Richer (France)
- Jacky Schrooten (Netherlands)
- Patrick Egan (Uk)
- Rodrigo Texeira (Portugal)
- Tom Couvreur (Belgium)
Ucon Most Creative Trick: Eugen Enin (Germany).
Michael Froemling,
Cristian Guarnieri.
For the third time Daniel Prell wins the DeFISE online contest (PRO). David Lehn takes the first place in the AM competition.
Thread on Facebook.
Winners were chosen according to a Youtube + judges votes. Judges: Mathieu Heineman, Freddy White, Kevin James Chow, Johannes Jacobi and Lilian Puisset. Note: riders who used old clips already used in a video received malus points.
Pro Results
- Daniel Prell (600 euros + Sony Xperia M2 phone)
- Anthony Pottier (400 euros)
- Roman Abrate (250 euros)
- Adrien Anne (150 euros)
- Nils Jansons (100 euros)
- Nicolas Maye
- Thomas Rifaud
- Warren Digne
- Vincent Romain
- Muller Raptor
- Stephane Alfano
AM Results - Prizes: Phone + goodies for the first place, others: goodies (more details on Fise.fr, saved on Archive.org).
- David Lehn
- Gabriel Nunes
- Lucas Spenle
- Kevin Dubus
- Diaby Diako
- Robin Terry
- Arthur Lux
- Philipp Reichie
- Jimmy Milaa
- Khabet Yanis
Complete rankings including judges + Youtube votes.
Arrows edit by Pascal Morasse-Raymond. Extra footage by Anthony Finocchiaro.
Featuring CJ Wellsmore, Antony Pottier, Pierre Lelievre, Manon Derrien, Anthony Finocchiaro & Pascal Morasse-Raymond.