Bryan Bell. November 30, 1977 – September 1, 2014 (RIP).

Fast Shoes, T-Bone Films. A video by Craig Caryl and Evan Stone.
Bryan Bell, Jose Cuervo & Roadhouse Section on Youtube: PLAY.
Bryan Bell. November 30, 1977 – September 1, 2014 (RIP).
Fast Shoes, T-Bone Films. A video by Craig Caryl and Evan Stone.
Bryan Bell, Jose Cuervo & Roadhouse Section on Youtube: PLAY.
Mad Beef, a T-Bone Film directed by Evan Stone, produced by Craig Caryl.
Welcome to the insane world of In-Line skating, the fastest growing sport in America! The Hoax is a 45:00 rollercoaster ride through the world of aggressive In-Line skating. See the world’s premier In-Line skaters execute the most aggressive stunts ever captured on film. Witness the sessions, rituals and lifestyles of the country’s top pros as they skate and crash their way through Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York.
Video on Youtube: PLAY. A film by Evan Stone & Craig Caryl.
An Oldschool skate video by T-Bone Films ; guest editor: Bryan Bell (RIP).
Bryan Bell’s late 90s video “My Daily Routine” is a certified classic. It’s the perfect place to kick off a column about blade treasures from the past.
“My Daily Routine” looks exactly like what it is, a bunch of friends going out and fucking around with a video camera. It makes skating look like a lot of fun and doesn’t take itself too seriously. It is full of shots filmed with poorly-sized fisheye lenses, lines on small ledges and benches, 360s off of curbs, graffiti, break dancing, booty shakin, boozing, fights, enough mushroom blading to make those guys from Vancouver proud, homemade bombs, and plenty of other shit to make your mom upset that she bought it for you.
All of that B-roll helped keep the video interesting and added to the flow of it. It was always a favorite of my friends that didn’t blade… […] Full Article on
Video Playlist on Youtube with profiles of Louie Zamora, Armand Marchand, Eric Schrijn, Kevin Karis, Ernie Villarino, Josh Petty, Nik Poderick, Champion Baumstimler, Bryan Bell & more.
Bryan Bell. November 30, 1977- September 1, 2014 (RIP).
We have just received the very sorrowful news that Bryan Bell who had been missing for almost a week, has died in a sudden and tragic way. This was, of course, unexpected and has left his family and friends devastated.
Bryan’s parents, who are serving as missionaries in Belize, were able to come home to be with their family and join them in the search of their son because of the overwhelming and generous giving of family and friends. On the day of their arrival in San Diego they were informed that Bryan’s body had been located in San Diego Bay and that his identity had been confirmed by the San Diego Medical Examiner.
Now the family has the added concern of a proper burial for Bryan. Bryan was the friend of hundreds of people around the world as a result of his career as a professional inline skater. His early videos of the sport captured the spirit and culture of the skating community. Bryan also made many friends through his music and art. He seemed to excel at everything he attempted. But perhaps his best gift was the friendship and unselfish love that he gave to all.
With your help and support we can pay tribute to our good friend, Bryan Bell, and lay him to rest in a respectful and honoring way.
Bryan’s memorial service will be on Thursday, September 11 at 5pm (more infos)
Hoax II - Anarchy Across America (T-Bone Films). Hoax II, better known as the Rollerbladers Bible, the best video ever made till today. Take a look back at the video that open the doors to our wonderful sport.
Video on Vimeo: PLAY.