Jeph Howard’s secret section from the 1131 B.Unique film by Chris & Courtney Brown.
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Ramelle Knight’s profile from the classic skate film 1131 by Chris Brown (B.Unique).
Video on Youtube: PLAY (240p).
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Colin Kelso’s section from the classic B.Unique film Freestyle Rolling by Chris and Courtney Brown.
Video on Youtube: PLAY.
Fan Favourite: Nils Jansons - PLAY (Vimeo). Filmer(s): Martins Jansons, Fredrik Andersson, Konstantins Makarovs, Kaspars Alksnis, Edgars Krasnovs, Dirk Oelmann. Editor: Martins Jansons. Sponsors: Hedonskate, Remz, BHC, Ground Control, The Hive, King Crow.
Judges Results - Entries on Vimeo