Fan Favorites: Congratulations to Nils Jansons (55.2% of the vote).

Judges Results

Judges Votes

Thanks Corky Segue.
Fan Favorites: Congratulations to Nils Jansons (55.2% of the vote).
Judges Results
Judges Votes
Thanks Corky Segue.
Photos: Create Originals | Brian Aragon | BCSD.
Pro Results
Montre WINS! - Rolling Mission, BCSD Coverage by Jason Reyna
Montre Wins and we’re posting the first clip. expect more soon, but he’s a trick that really stuck out in my mind. Video on Vimeo: PLAY.
Montre Livingston - BCSD’09 by xgreenxcloverx
Montre Livingston @ the 2009 Bitter Cold Showdown in Royal Oak, MI. Video on Vimeo: PLAY.
BCSD 2009, Aggressive Mall Edit
Bitter Cold Showdown 2009 The West Coast’s edit from Royal Oak Michigan, filmed by Vinny Minton, Matty Watky and edited by Vinny Minton for Aggressivemall and The Conference. Featuring skating from nearly everyone that was there. Video on Vimeo: PLAY.
WRS Uploaded 2011 - Results - Fan Votes
Nils Jansons 63.1% (7380 votes). Fan Favorite: $500.00 vs Chris Haffey 36.9% (4324 votes)
Semi Finalist, Fan Votes: Sven Boekhorst (PLAY) Filmed by Dominic Swagemakers, Joery v/d Pol, Simon Goeman, Dick Heerkens & Jan Hoogtijling ; edited Axel van Dijk & Brian Aragon (PLAY) Filmed by Phillip Long, Dre Powell, Max Manning, Erick Rodriguez ; edited by Phillip Long.
Results - Judging
Judges Votes
Judging is based on the following criteria (in order of importance):
The Bittercold Showdown 2011 is over, congrats to Julien Cudot (#1 Pro) & Dave Lang (#1 AM), full results below.
You can check raw footage of the Bittercold Showdown 2011 on: & Alex Kaytu filmed his BCSD run with a helmet cam, video on Youtube: PLAY.
BCSD Pro Finals: Unedited footage by Mr Collin Martin - PLAY: 01 | 02
Pro Results
Franky Morales won best trick with a 540 off a bank into a quarter, drop was about 10-15 feet. Thanks Razor_dave.
Video Downloads by ThemGoods
Note: those videos were saved by, and might take a while to load. Just let the video buffer, and right click / save as, to play them with your favourite video player.
Photos: ThemGoods.