The Gold Games (Summer 2012) is a summer extreme sports festival taking place in Hyeres les Palmiers (France). Video on Vimeo: PLAY.

Rollerblade, Kiteboard, Skateboard, BMX, FMX Edit - Dailymotion Link
The Gold Games (Summer 2012) is a summer extreme sports festival taking place in Hyeres les Palmiers (France). Video on Vimeo: PLAY.
Rollerblade, Kiteboard, Skateboard, BMX, FMX Edit - Dailymotion Link
French skater Anthony Avella (Toulon) is back on the rolling scene after a bad shoulder surgery. He is now in the Unkut Team, brand of famous french rapper Booba (Wikipedia).
FR: Anthony Avella est de retour sur la scene roller apres une suite d’operations à l’épaule. Il fait a present parti de la team Unkut, la marque du celebre rappeur Booba. Thx StreetAlexx.
Photo comparison of the Eiffel Tower Drop (2010) on the left and the Sacre Coeur Jump (2011). To land on the Eiffel Tower module, Taig Khris dropped 14m (46 feet) ; to land on the Sacre Coeur module, Taig jumped 29m (95 feet). Larger Picture (via).
New World record: the longest jump on rollerblade (29m, 95 feet). After seven falls Taig Khris also did a frontflip. Thanks David Couturier, Babe & Weeseum.
Quoting Tillet (News Report):
Daredevil rollerblader smashes own record. A Frenchman has set a new world record for the longest jump on rollerblades in front of thousands of spectators at the weekend.
Thirty-five-year old Taig Khris launched off a 150m long ramp in front of Paris’ Sacre Coeur Basilica (Sacred Heart) monument and achieved a world record jump of 29m, French website QuestFrance.fr reports.
After an initial jump of 28.4m, Khris had already broken the previous record of 24m, which was set by American Danny Way.
Spurred on by the thousands of people who had gathered to see him, the adrenalin junkie rolled down the custom-made launch pad and managed to improve his jump by a metre before safely landing on an inflatable cushion.
Last May, Khris had achieved a world record by executing the highest jump off the first floor of France’s iconic Eiffel Tower.
Jeremy Dumont, 12, who saw the jump with his parents told the website the sight was spectacular. “It’s magical. It is in the air, it flies over Paris,” he said. The boy’s mother, Pascaline Dumont added: “It looks like a bird [flying] over Paris. It’s impressive”.
Taig Khris - Taig Khris Sacre Coeur Jump (2011).
This edit by Wapala includes footage of the official video and is adding some extra angles: Gopro view (0:36) + footage of the missed superman to frontflip trick (attempt 7). Video set to private :(.
Below: Headcam point of view: