Shannon Rodgers: Revolution, On the Spot, Interview (2010) by Jon Jenkins

Sun, Nov 7, 2010
Shannon Rodgers: Revolution, On the Spot, Interview (2010) by Jon Jenkins

Revolution “On The Spot” with Shannon Rodgers. We sat down with Shannon in the 115 degree Arizona heat as she was moving from Texas out to California to pursue her acting career. She stopped in Arizona for an afternoon to film her Revolution “On The Spot”. Filmed & Edited by Jon Jenkins for

Video on Youtube: PLAY.

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The Shock Ladies Night Feat Shannon Rodgers (2009)

Wed, Jun 3, 2009
The Shock Ladies Night Feat Shannon Rodgers (2009)

Photo: Jeremy Stephenson (Jero, 2008)

I have noticed that in blading there is a heavy imbalance between the amount of males and females. A female on blades is the exception; men seem to rule the sport in every aspect from shredding to company ownership to sheer numbers. I take this to be a supreme bum-rush. What are we doing wrong?

One time Frank Stoner and I had a conversation about this and I think he put it best. In sports like surfing, skiing, and snowboarding, there is a strong female following.

Granted they are still male dominated sports, but the ratio of male to females in those sports out weighs rollerblading. Anyways, those activities are more family oriented and I think that’s one reason the females are plentiful there and not in rollerblading. Families with little girls will go on a ski trip every winter, exposing that little girl to the snow, balancing her skis, witnessing demos, etc.

That type of exposure at a young age makes all the difference in the long run. But, the rollerblader girls get pretty spoiled for sure. […]

  • Interview on Link Down | backup.
  • Shock Video featured in the Interview: PLAY (Vimeo). Featuring Skatings, skits and fun clips.
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HEAT - Interview with Tory Treseder (2006)

Tue, Dec 12, 2006
HEAT - Interview with Tory Treseder (2006)

Revolution (James): Looking at the HEAT team, it seems like you are all really good friends, making you guys a close knit group. Who are the team riders? How do you feel about them representing HEAT?

Heat (Tory Treseder): I think everyone in the industry knows how I feel about the guys, I hold them high in any kind of interview, or any talking I do with anyone, they are Heat in my eyes. Jeff Stockwell, James St. Ours, Erik Bailey, Micah Yeager, Sayer Danforth, and Oli Short are the best bunch of guys, and I couldn’t see myself going into the year 2007 without them on board! They are truly my best friends, and incredibly hard workers as well!

Read the full interview saved on Pictures are missing. Thanks Azrider.

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Shannon Joy Rodgers: Life+ 6 Section (2006)

Fri, Oct 22, 2010
Shannon Joy Rodgers: Life+ 6 Section (2006)

Shannon Rodgers: Life+ 6 Section. Representing hard for the ladies and Texas! Filmed and edited by Drew Bachrach.

PLAY: Youtube | Vimeo. - Music: The Stooges & Salt n Peppa Mashup.

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Cameron Card - Shock Interview (2010)

Sun, Sep 12, 2010
Cameron Card - Shock Interview (2010)

1. Beyond deciding to wear a helmet following your head injury, have you also modified your style of skating since the injury? If so, how would you describe the change?

I put a lot more thought into my rollerblading now.

2. The process of rehabilitation after an injury is just as much psychological as physiological. How would you describe the highs and lows of coming back after a serious injury? Was this process much different for your head injury rehab than for previous injuries, how so?

Oh my! I’ve never had an injury that can even compare to my head injury. Usually it’s been “my body feels better, I’m ready to blade.” The physical part of my healing process was luckily deleted from my memory and there’s not much to talk about there, other then I heard it was a very rough road, not only for me but everyone around me.

The mental healing is what I’ve been dealing with since the injury. It’s been a very new and confusing ride I’ve been on.

After the injury, my mind was set on never blading again. Nine months of having that mind set was a very depressing time for me. I’ve never been as low as I was during that time.

My mom noticed I was missing something in my life and needed to change the way I thought. I don’t know the exact words she said but it went something like this, “Cameron you need rollerblading in your life, take what happened and learn from it.”

Since then I’ve figured out a few things I needed to change: Never get frustrated with a trick, the moment I’m not enjoying the act of rollerblading is the moment of going against the reason I do it. If I have to hit something or bang my head to get juiced to do the trick I’m not calm enough to be as focused as I would like. Any doubt means I shouldn’t be trying the trick. As long as I’m mentally capable of trying a trick then I know I’ve got it. I don’t push past the signs of getting hurt. I’m also able to stop trying a trick without worrying about it. Those are some of the way’s I’ve been able to mature from my injury. […]

Check the full Cameron Card Interview on

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Shock: What is Inri? Sean Sea Interview (2010)

Mon, Jul 26, 2010
Shock: What is Inri? Sean Sea Interview (2010)

We at Shock finally got to sit down with the founder of world famous crew / jeans / clothing label Inri. Interview was conducted in January 2010. Skate footage preceding the interview captured on the same day. Filmed and edited by Kevin Yee, Paul John, Patrick Lennen and Sean Sea.

Video on Vimeo: PLAY

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Blading Wiki, a wiki dedicated to Inline Skating

Rollerblading Gems

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Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |