Visiting Friends in the Bay Area in May 2009. Featuring: Brendan Tidd, Sylvain Chaussee, Kevin Yee & Sean Salazar.
Video on Vimeo: PLAY
Visiting Friends in the Bay Area in May 2009. Featuring: Brendan Tidd, Sylvain Chaussee, Kevin Yee & Sean Salazar.
Video on Vimeo: PLAY
Filmed and Edited by Greg Freeman. Additional footage from Luke Bender, Mykel Fatali, and Jeremy Spira.
Video on Vimeo: PLAY
Video made for Stabyourselfintheface.com (link down).
Photo: Jeremy Stephenson (Jero, 2008)
I have noticed that in blading there is a heavy imbalance between the amount of males and females. A female on blades is the exception; men seem to rule the sport in every aspect from shredding to company ownership to sheer numbers. I take this to be a supreme bum-rush. What are we doing wrong?
One time Frank Stoner and I had a conversation about this and I think he put it best. In sports like surfing, skiing, and snowboarding, there is a strong female following.
Granted they are still male dominated sports, but the ratio of male to females in those sports out weighs rollerblading. Anyways, those activities are more family oriented and I think that’s one reason the females are plentiful there and not in rollerblading. Families with little girls will go on a ski trip every winter, exposing that little girl to the snow, balancing her skis, witnessing demos, etc.
That type of exposure at a young age makes all the difference in the long run. But, the rollerblader girls get pretty spoiled for sure. […]