A big part of video editing is about feeling: sometimes you can work a week for a bad result, and sometimes it just takes 5 minutes and it’s the best edit you’ve ever made! For me it’s the case with this one. It’s the easiest montage I’ve ever done, but the best…
I am happy that I have been able to work with this guy. For rollerblading, he is a U.F.O: strange haircut, strange clothes, strange style! But when you see this motherfucker skating, you understand what rollerblading is. You might not like the edit, you might not like the skater, but, I swear, I don’t care, ‘cause for me, he is the perfect illustration of what rollerblading has to be: “ALL ABOUT STYLE”, Rian Arnold. - Eddy Lookback.
Music: The Cinematic Orchestra - “To Build A Home”.