A film vy Ferran Laparra. Timecodes: 00:00 Intro,
02:13 Alex Pascual,
04:37 Carles Durich,
08:28 VLC,
11:55 Iván Aliaga,
14:13 Alvaro Ortuño,
17:24 Teles Angel,
22:21 Peter Eberlein,
26:26 BCN,
30:12 Ferran Laparra,
33:49 Mateo Bueso,
36:22 Alex Cebrian,
41:17 Credits.
Cidy Life destroys all elements of radness in the latest expedition to Valencia (Spain)! Who blocked up the pipeline? Steve Collis? Sam Tuffnell? Simon Isles? Daniele Barco? Harry Pierce? Hob Adams? or Ryan Gillett? Filmed and edited by Ryan Gillett.
Featuring: Yuto Goto, Nils Jansons, Kate Bedrata, Lauric Picard, Francesco Famà, Zachary Pollak, Yuto Akiyama and Matis Mallie. Edited by: Marco Valera. Filmed by Marco Valera, Sergio Pontillo, Robert Spassov, and Freddy White. Produced by Martina Margiotta and Roces. Photos.
Filmed & mixed by Teles Angel. Additional P2 Footage By Ferran Laparra. VHS Footage by all the crew. Photography by Peter Eberlein. Motion Graphics by Marc Moreno. Starring:
Carles Durich,
Iván Aliaga,
Ferran Laparra,
Alex Cebrian,
Felipe Bigous,
Miguel Grajales,
Paquillo G. Sola,
Teles Angel &
Peter Eberlein. Furtius 2023.
Filmed & edited by Angel Zorraquino. Additional filming by Iván Aliaga, Mateo Bueso & Joni Prados. Music: Israel B. - Shooters (Prod. Lowligth).
Previously: Secta (2023, Spain) - A Video by Ferran Laparra - Furtius VLC.
Furtius presents “Secta”, a film by Ferran Laparra. Starring: Alex Cebrian, Carles Durich, Ferran Laparra, Ivan Aliaga, Teles Angel & Mateo Bueso.
More promo pictures in this Instagram thread.
More goodies on the Furtius Valencia, Youtube Page.
Filmed by Carles Durich, Ferran Laparra, Paco Rey & Angel Zorraquino. Edited by Angel Zorraquino.