Thursday PVC slider Session with Eric Schrijn, Oscar Sosa, Geoff Acres & Steve Johns.
What is your favourite section of Eric Schrijn?
Thursday PVC slider Session with Eric Schrijn, Oscar Sosa, Geoff Acres & Steve Johns.
What is your favourite section of Eric Schrijn?
This is the man behind the scenes at Sunshine Distribution, he is the swiss army knife of jobs and titles for Sunshine, he is the part of the engine that keeps this always shifting skate company moving forward. He is always on the move with company and cutting edge of the industry. We get to hear his coming from Texas to California for Razors story, the Shift skate development and a whole lot more.
Truspin Podcast by Steve Johns: A deep dive into the lives and careers of past and future Bladers. Check the podcast on your favourite platform: Soundcloud, Stitcher, Libsyn, Itunes.