Official Edit by DonData - Nemix Tour 2024 (Ireland)
Motus Edit - Tricks Compilation
Documenting tricks landed over the final two days of the Nemix Tour.
More Photos & Videos on @Nemixtour (IG) - Photos Threads: 01 | 02.
Official Edit by DonData - Nemix Tour 2024 (Ireland)
Motus Edit - Tricks Compilation
Documenting tricks landed over the final two days of the Nemix Tour.
More Photos & Videos on @Nemixtour (IG) - Photos Threads: 01 | 02.
“This edit is the result of a summer of street skating here in Ireland. Robin was eager to get back out skating after filming the Motus short documentary (PLAY) and his recent sponsorship with Kaltik was a great source of motivation. Following the filming of our last project we decided an introduction edit for Robin was in order”.
“Robin Marillier, South African born and Irish raised has been skating for the past 15 years. I met Robin in our home town skatepark over three years ago and seeing his progress, primarily in street skating, has been a great inspiration for myself and is what led me to filming skating”.
“This edit is a special one because I have not just watched Robin grow as a skater but also in his personal life. The final credit scene was the last day we shot for Robins edit. He had just returned from America. We got a bite to eat and reflected on the project. Here Robin told me that he had just proposed to his now fiancée Samantha. Congratulations to the both of you! Enjoy the edit! Much more to come!”. - Motus.
A video filmed by Josh Keane. Photos: Motus.